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Friday, October 24, 2008

Berean Bible Study Freeware

The regular readers of this blog know that I am always on the lookout for good Bible study software and internet resources, especially those that are freely available.

Well, I have run across another free Bible study software program that is good for looking up passages quickly or doing basic searches and topical studies. It won't replace e-Sword as the best free Bible study program, but it will be quite suitable for those who simply want these basic features as described at the Berean Bible study software site:

BerBible is simplified Bible study freeware that includes the complete ESV (English
Standard Version ©2001 from Good News and Crossway Publishers), NASB (New
American Standard Bible ©1995 from The Lockman Foundation), and the NKJV (New King James Version ©1982 from Thomas Nelson, Inc.) Bibles at no cost. The learning curve is all but trivial because only the most used functions are implemented:

* lookup a specific verse (such as John 3:16)
* find verses with one or more word (super-concordance)
Word/phrase searching is extremely fast, intuitive, and very flexible to find what you are looking for. On most computers, BerBible is running immediately after you launch it, and searching is faster than you can type.

The small, self-contained 1.9 meg ESV Starter Kit, NASB Starter Kit, or NKJV Starter Kit downloads for Windows desktop PC's include the program, the specific Bible itself, and extensive help and documentation. See the downloads page for other Bible translations, such as the KJV and a 'bundle' with the ESV, NASB, and NKJV.

* mini-tutorial with 7 steps that is 90% of what you need to know to use
basic features.
* Beginners' tutorial oriented to less experienced users
* 70 step tutorial of New Features for experienced users
* Context sensitive help, F1-Help, FAQ's, hover tool-tips, e-support, and more

Pocket-PC ver 2.31 released Dec 01, 2007 for ESV, KJV, and others.

Palm pda ver 1.10 released Nov 30, 2007 for ESV, KJV, and others.

BerBible also works great on obsolete computers that are too slow for software oriented to Bible scholars. It doesn't assume a high resolution monitor and latest hardware. Its small download size is optimized for people with a slow, unreliable, and/or expensive Internet connection.

Give it a try, and let us all know what you think.


  1. Thanks for this link. It is always helpful to know about these free Bible programs. I currently use e-Sword and Interlinear Scripture Analyzer, but this program looks good for being small, quick and easy to cut and paste scripture with little formatting.

    There is a new program in development that looks like it will be good also:

    ntInsight Greek Software

  2. There has been a significant update to the Berean Bible study freeware.

    Version 2.50 has an improved user interface, including a 'Home-Bible' sync'ed with parallel
    display of another Bible.

  3. The FreeBible by Steven Kollmansberger is the one I like the best. It can be found here: most of the way down the page. It's always been a free download. It's KJV, has the best, cleanest search I've ever seen, notes, topical textbook, Bible dictionary, etc. Everything on my site CBSB comes straight from it. It really is a great tool to have when doing Bible studies or putting together lessons.
