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Monday, January 17, 2011

e-Sword Updated to Version 9.8.2

e-Sword, what I recommend as the best free Bible study software program, has been updated to version 9.8.2. Here is the description of the update from the e-Sword website:
A new Module Downloader is now built into the program. With it you can view all available resources and download any of them directly into e-Sword. You can see which ones you currently have installed and which ones you have yet to install. You can also see if any of the installed modules have been updated.

All of the Search routines have been enhanced, providing even more information for study.
If you haven't already tried e-Sword, I suggest you check it out.


  1. TheWord is also a fine free Bible study program, as powerful and, I think, more flexible than e-Sword. I used e-Sword for many years, switched to TheWord and haven't looked back!

  2. Thanks for the comment. There are many who would agree with you, and I am personally thankful for having such good options to choose from.

  3. The new Module Downloader is definitely a much appreciated feature! I always wondered if I was missing new resources, but didn't want to take the time to compare my installed modules with those that were listed on the site. I hope the Module Downloader eventually adds resources created by users...that would be an awesome tool!

  4. I just wish it was available for the Mac.
