The gay community is seeking ‘equal rights.’ Homosexuals only want to live open and peaceful lives unashamedly in a community without fear of rejection or discrimination. This I am sure is true, but I do not believe that this is all they want. The reason that they are so easily offended is because deep down they know that their lifestyle is unnatural. They know better, and are constantly looking for justification and affirmation for their unnatural desires. They have inward guilt, yet they desire to free themselves from this guilt by having others tell them that they shouldn’t feel bad for feeding and indulging in their unnatural passions. Equal rights are not all they want. What they really desire is for others to reassure them that it is okay to be homosexual.
In an attempt to ease their inward guilt, they seek to obtain the outward confirmation and approval of their friends, peers and society. To obtain the approval of society the homosexual community is attempting to carry out these seven steps below:
1. Seeking to Convince Themselves that their Unnatural Desires are Natural
First, they desire to convince themselves that they were “born this way.” By a simple observation of the design of the male and female body, it is easy and natural to see that men and women are designed for each other. This is easy to learn, and even children do not need any external instruction to come to this conclusion. Furthermore, the world would not continue past the next generation without men and women procreating. Men and women are made for each other and everybody knows it. God’s Word forbids homosexuality, but even if it didn’t, nature itself teaches us that homosexuality is unnatural (Rom. 1:26-27). In fact, even straight people who support homosexuality cannot deny that homosexual acts are something that they find inwardly disturbing. Homosexuals, I believe, know that their desires are unnatural, and therefore they feel the need to convince themselves otherwise. Otherwise, why would it even matter if they were “born that way” or if they simply chose to live that way? I do not feel the need to justify to myself or to others that I prefer Dr. Pepper over Pepsi. Why do they feel the need to justify their desires for the same sex (as if they can’t help how they feel), if their desires are natural? One of my gay friends admitted to me that he had to work past the shame that he felt the first few times he engaged in a sexual relationship. His partner told him that his feelings of shame were a natural experience, and the key to move past this feeling of shame was to dwell upon the fun and excitement rather than upon the shame. "To not think about it", was the counsel. The point is that homosexuals know that their lifestyle is shameful (at least for those who are not completely hardened), and it is because of their guilt that they feel the need to blame their passions upon something other than their choice.
2. Create Support Groups to Ease Their Conscience
Those who practice any sin seek to find others who do the same to provide some level of comfort (Rom. 1:32). These support groups are designed to suppress guilt by the group reassuring its members that they are not alone. There is comfort in numbers. The larger the support group the better. Thus, it is natural for homosexuals to group together to find comfort in a network of peers that does not pass out judgment, but rather helps smooth over their guilty conscience.
3. Blame their Inward Guilt upon External Norms
If homosexual desires are natural, and if homosexuals cannot help the way they feel, then where does the guilt come from? The third step for the gay community is to blame their guilt upon something outside of themselves—such as the traditional norms that have been shaped by Christian values. They claim that their inward guilt stems from the external social norms that have been imposed upon their conscience. ‘I wouldn’t feel guilty if my conscience wouldn’t have been shaped by society’s unwritten rules,’ so they think. ‘Christianity and traditional values are to blame for my inward shame.’ Thus, they seek to blame their guilt upon man-made external norms rather than upon their own innate knowledge of what is right and natural.
4. Attempt to Change Public Perception
Therefore, the goal is to change the values and norms of society. This is the fourth step. In an attempt to deliver themselves from their guilty conscience, rather than repenting before God, they seek to change social perception and create new and more tolerant social norms. It is not sufficient, for many of them, that they convince themselves that homosexuality is natural; they feel that they must convince the rest of society. If they can change public perception, then they can change the social norms of society. If they can change social norms, then they believe that then they can live out their desires without any sense of guilt or inward condemnation. This is why they are so proactive.
5. Condemn and Hatefully Judge the Opposition
To justify themselves and speed up the process of changing the norms of society, the gay community will condemn those who disagree with them as haters and bigots. They have effectively done this by labeling and grouping all opposition as ‘homophobes.’ Some would even consider this article as propagating ‘hate speech.’ But why? Why do they want to call this hate? I do not hate homosexuals, and I do not want anything bad to happen to my homosexual friends. In fact, whatever I could do to help them I would seek to do. Even with my love for them, I believe homosexuality is unnatural. Why would they condemn me as being full of hate because I disagree with their lifestyle? Why are they so ready to call those who disagree with their lifestyle haters? I believe it is because they desire to hush their own conscience. They feel that the only way to do this is by hushing and censoring those who disagree with them. Therefore, they are attempting to turn the table around and blame those who publicly condemn homosexuality as the guilty and hateful party. If they can make it politically correct to support homosexuality, then heterosexuals will not only feel pressure to support gay marriage, they will be scared not to because they do not want to be labeled as a homophobe. In essence, they want to throw their own guilt upon those who oppose them.
6. Seek to Place God on Their Side

7. Censor the Opposition
Last of all, because of the inward guilt that comes from their unnatural passions, it only takes one person to oppose their lifestyle for some of them to be offended. The problem, when they are honest with themselves, is that their conscience agrees with those who disagree with their lifestyle. Therefore, the gay community will not be content with merely obtaining equal rights, but will forcefully push their agenda until they obtain universal acceptance, and legally censor all opposing voices. It’s their guilty conscience that is the problem, and they will do anything to suppress the truth—even to the point of suppressing others who oppose their lifestyle. Let’s not fool ourselves, the censorship of free speech is where this battle ends. Canada is proof of this, and America seems to be following right behind.
To answer the question of why the gay community seems so intolerant towards those who disagree with them, it is because they so desperately desire to live their unnatural lifestyles without experiencing the inward guilt. And it seems that the gay community will go to any length to remove their guilt while hanging onto their sins.
Thankfully, God has provided all of us a real answer to our guilty conscious—repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Christ died for sins, even the sin of homosexuality. Homosexuals, along with liars and adulterers, can have a guilt free conscious because of Christ—but only if they are willing to acknowledge their sins and seek forgiveness and deliverance from their sins by trusting in the full atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Your blog on homosexuality is honest and compassionate. The church has been accused by the world (and by some within the church)of "picking" a sin to protest about but tolerating other sins, such as lying, adulterery, fornication, etc. I guess in some cases this may very well be true. If the church is comfortable and accepting of these particular sins then I guess the question is--WHAT CHURCH ? and WHY?
ReplyDeleteI think we do a better job seemingly of accepting the liar or adulterer because they allow us to accept them without condoning the behavior. The true church does not condone lying, stealing, adultery and usually those participants in such sin will admit and agree that this is sin even though they are not willing to give them up yet because there is pleasure in them for a season. They have not formed organized groups to lobby for rights that will change the very foundations of our society and biblical beliefs. They do not ask us to ignore the portions of Scripture that call sin "sin" or refuse to bellieve in a god that would call it sin. They do not ask us to give up our belief iin what we believe God is saying in order to show our continued love for them. They just wish to know that we still love them though they are living a life of sin.
The homosexuals are organized however, with an agenda. I believe it is the agenda that most Christians oppose though we don't always do it with the love and compassion evident that should be there. I am speaking of the banners and words that attack the homosexual whom Jesus loves instead of speaking God's truth about the sin.
The homosexual organization does not believe that it is possible to love the homosexual but believe that the activity is sin. I don't understand that position since those of us who have children live this every day. We don't always like our child's behavior but we love them fiercely irregardless of that behavior. To most homosexuals, unless you believe that homosexual activity is natural and acceptable to God,
then you are a hater. They will not be satisfied with anything less than rejection of the traditional Christian interpretation of Scripture on this matter which means that the Christian has to go against his conscience to prove that he does in fact love the homosexual person. In essence, he must chose between the homosexual and what he really and truly believe God's word is telling him, and if he does not choose the will of the homosexual, he is a hater or homophobe.
God's church is to spread the Gospel and reveal the truth of His Word. It is truth that will set us free. We should stand ready to offer that truth in love. Even in love, our Savior was crucified because of His message. We too would like to have the world love us but I do not believe Christ would wish us to compromise the redeeming truth in order to gain that love. He should be our first love and through Him, we are able to love others and bring them to an understanding of God's grace.
The ironic thing is this---Even if the Christians denounced the accepted interpretation of Scripture on this matter, God's Word is still truth and will stand no matter what we might wish or accept to the contrary.