Monday, May 30, 2016

Honoring My Brother on Memorial Day

On Memorial day I always try to take some time to thank God for the freedoms I have as an American citizen and for the men and women who have given their lives so that I could continue to have these freedoms. I also try to remember to pray for the many service members who are still in harm's way. I pray especially for my brothers and sisters in the Lord who are serving in the military, that they will be faithful witnesses to Christ under very difficult conditions and that they will be protected and come home safely.

Today, however, I am especially thankful as I think of my brother, Paul Throop, who served his country well in the US Army in many dangerous combat situations. In the process he suffered a significant injury, for which he was medically discharged and with which he lives in pain every day. Yet he does not regret his service. Nor does he complain about the limitations and the discomfort his injuries have caused in his life. In fact, he now serves the Lord Jesus Christ with an even deeper devotion than that with which he so faithfully served his country. He is an amazing example of the grace and power of our Lord Jesus Christ in saving sinners. He is a devoted husband and father, who loves his wife as Christ loved the church. He is also a loyal brother in the Lord, one whom I don't deserve. I wish there were more men like him. I wish I was more like him in many ways. I love and respect him, and I honor him on this Memorial Day.

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